Art Nourishes the Soul

Art Gallery

Sharing Art for the Beautification of Our World.

Neighbourhood Gallery Presents:

Current show runs November 17, 2024 to January 19, 2025

Printed Pluralism & Drew Nelson

Calling All Artists!

Neighbourhood Gallery is a safe place to show and sell your work, and to have a meaningful dialogue about making the world a better place through art.

As long as the work meets the criteria (listed below), we will endeavor to include it as part of a group or solo show.

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Neighbourhood Gallery practices inclusiveness.

We welcome all artists of all ages, all races, all economic backgrounds, all sexual orientations, and all religions who desire to make and show their art. The Curator will endeavor to connect shows with the themes of the Services for the months they are on display.


Curator Biography

Lauren McKinley Renzetti is proud to be an active member of Neighbourhood and the Curator for Neighbourhood Gallery. Lauren brings over 30 years experience to this role, as a practicing artist and art instructor. Lauren teaches at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Seneca College, Boomerang online, ARTiculations and runs an artist’s retreat in August at Unicamp. She is a long-time Unicamper, and currently an Artist-in-Residence.


Curatorial Statement

Making is important. For many artists this is enough. Showing what you make is risky, time-consuming, expensive and difficult. Artists make from themselves, and exposing their inner-most ideas to the world can be scary. The gallery scene is fickle and discourages artists with its myriad of obstacles, usually with little reward. As an artist and a teacher, Lauren knows this trial first hand and wants to change the system, one gallery at a time. Neighbourhood Gallery believes in inclusiveness, acceptance and encouragement. It is a safe space for artists who may be new, or frustrated with a system that unrelentingly bruises an artist’s self-esteem. All are welcome!

Submission Guidelines

For your success… please follow the below guidelines carefully:

  1. Email submission to the Curator, Lauren McKinley Renzetti. (contact form:, subject: “NUUC gallery submission”)
  2. Send an artist’s statement about the work to be shown, one short paragraph.
  3. Send a resume and/or biography, one page max.
  4. Send images: no more than 10 jpegs. Once an artist is selected, more may be needed. If your work is viewable on a web site, please specify which pieces or series are available in addition to the images sent.
  5. Submit a list of works with title, media, size, and price if for sale or NFS (not for sale). This info is critical for label making by Lauren.
  6. Shows are generally run for two months, from the first Sunday of month one to the last Sunday of month two. Please indicate any preference (which months would best or worst for you).
  7. Artwork: 2d only. Should be framed or matted with wire on back, 2” down from top
    of each piece (must be able to hang off an S hook), labeled for clarity on the back. Work cannot be shown otherwise.
  8. Installation: Shows are installed before service (Sunday 9:30 – 10:30 am). Opening receptions happen on that same day, the first Sunday of the month from 12 -1:30 pm. Removal: work gets taken down on the last Sunday of the second month after service is over (Sunday at noon). If Sundays are not good for you, other arrangements are unfortunately not usually available.

What is deemed “Acceptable” Art at Neighbourhood?

  1. Art must be within our value system of the Eight Principles (link to Who We Are/We Believe In). This is a sacred space, be mindful.
  2. Art must be audience-aware. Is your work appropriate for all age groups (as young as 3 years), and all walks of life?
  3. Artwork should have proper hanging systems on the back of each work. Must be able to be hung from an S hook/chain hanging system. A wire needs to be attached 2” down from the top of piece. Also labeled for clarity on the back.
  4. Art is presented in a professional manner, not necessarily in a frame but that is ideal. The edges of stretched canvases should be finished. Presentation is important.
  5. Art is subjective and given to interpretation, there is no ugly, all tastes are different, and a wide variety of subject matter, ideas and images can be shown in this space.
  6. This Gallery practices inclusiveness, and welcomes all artists of all ages, all races, all economic backgrounds, all sexual orientations, and all religions, who desire to make and show their art, provided it meets the above criteria.

Gallery Floor Plan

Gallery Specific Questions & Submissions

Send to Curator Lauren McKinley Renzetti (contact form:, subject: “NUUC gallery submission”)