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Explore our liberal and inclusive religious movement

Unitarian Universalism

Neighbourhood is a member of the Canadian Unitarian Council. Our members have contributed significantly to the rich and interesting 400-year history of the Unitarian Universalist movement.

Unitarian Universalism (UU) is a liberal and inclusive religious movement that emphasizes individual spiritual exploration, social justice, and the inherent worth and dignity of every person. With no creed or dogma, it brings people with diverse beliefs together, through shared values.

    Key aspects of Unitarian Universalism include:

    1. Principles and Sources:

    UUs draw inspiration from a wide range of sources, including diverse religious traditions, philosophy, science, and personal experience. The movement is guided by Eight Principles and Six Sources that emphasize concepts such as the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals, justice and compassion, democratic decision-making, the interdependent web of existence, and shared action against racism and all forms of oppression.

    2. Freedom of Belief:

    UU communities encourage individuals to develop their own beliefs and understandings about life's big questions, like the nature of the divine, the purpose of existence, and the afterlife. This encourages a culture of exploration and respect for differing viewpoints.

    3. Inclusivity:

    Unitarian Universalism is known for its commitment to inclusivity and diversity. People of all backgrounds, including various religious, cultural, ethnic, gender, and sexual identities, are welcome and valued within UU congregations.

    4. Community and Fellowship:

    UU congregations provide a supportive and nurturing environment for individuals and families to connect, learn, and grow together. Services often involve readings, music, reflection, and communal activities.

    5. Social Justice and Activism:

    Many UUs are actively involved in social justice issues such as civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, environmental sustainability, and economic equality. The commitment to making a positive impact on society is often rooted in the belief in the inherent worth of every person.

    6. Worship and Ritual:

    UU worship services can vary widely from one congregation to another. Some UU congregations incorporate elements from different religious traditions, while others may focus more on philosophical discussions and community building.

    7. History:

    The roots of Unitarian Universalism can be traced back to the merging of Unitarianism and Universalism in the 19th and 20th centuries. Unitarianism emphasizes the unity of God rather than the traditional Christian concept of the Trinity, while Universalism emphasizes universal salvation and the belief in a loving and inclusive deity.

    It’s important to note that while Unitarian Universalism is considered a religious movement, not all UUs identify as religious or believe in a deity. Some may describe themselves as agnostic, atheist, humanist, or spiritual but not religious.

    Overall, Unitarian Universalism provides a welcoming space for individuals to explore their beliefs, engage in meaningful discussions, and work together to create a more just and compassionate world.

    To learn more about Unitarian Universalism, explore these links:
    UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association)
    CUC (Canadian Unitarian Council)