Rev Sally and Moira MacDonald weave a service that asks for wisdom gained from the last 5 weeks of services about Justice....
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Rev Stephen Atkinson speaks about the corruption of conscience and democracy. Our religious history illustrates the importance of both of these contributors to the impact of Unitarian Universalism on society...
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What do Jews believe? How does Israel fit in? Are Jews really that argumentative? Diana Ralph and Peter explore their religion...
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Kofi Hope explores how our faith traditions call us to live out love-based relationships not just within our families but also in the larger societies we are part of...
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When we think of justice, we often may think of large societal issues and actions in the wider world but Rev. Lynn Harrison speaks about how justice begins at home and in our inner life...
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Guest speaker Helen Armstrong talks about the idea of Disability Justice and Collective Care...
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On this Community Wisdom service, the congregation considers the lessons received from the theme of generosity...
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Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation hosts a Cosmic Walk Ritual and Dance a few days before New Year’s Eve 2024. The Cosmic Walk, the centrepiece of the evening, takes us on a ritual journey through the story of the universe and of the Earth from the Big Bang to the present day....
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Rev Jonipher gives a homily of "Every Child is Sacred" and the combined choirs lead the congregation in Christmas songs....
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A combined child friendly Christmas Eve Service of Neighbourhood UU and First Unitarian of Toronto....
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