Welcome to Neighbourhood!

We are a Unitarian Universalist, interfaith, friendly congregation in the heart of Toronto’s Riverdale community.

Whoever you are, wherever you come from, whomever you love, we are your spiritual home.



We are a vibrant and welcoming community of individuals all on the same path. Together we share our diverse and shared experiences to explore our purpose in life. We invite you to get to know us.

Announcements 2


At Neighbourhood we dig deeper into who we are and how we can experience a spiritual life through our Unitarian Universalist beliefs.


We send out weekly announcements every Monday letting you know what’s going on here at Neighbourhood. If you would like to be on our mailing list, sign up here.

Discover what and how
we believe here

OUR Values

Unitarian Universalism (UU) is a liberal and inclusive religious movement that emphasizes individual spiritual exploration, social justice, and the inherent worth and dignity of every person. With no creed or dogma, it brings people with diverse beliefs together, through shared values.

OUR Mission Statement

To empower Spiritual Growth and Shared Action for the care of our World

Neighbourhood Upcoming Featured Events

Worship Services

Our Sunday services vary greatly from week to week. We encourage you to come to several to gain a better understanding of who we are.

Watch past servicesInfo on our Sunday ServicesFirst time visiting on Sunday?